Cremation or Burial?

In funeral planning, one of the main decisions is choosing the type of disposition: cremation or burial.

forest cremation or burial decision Sisto Funeral Home

Burial tends to be the more traditional choice. It is more conducive to the traditional funeral service. Christianity prefers burial but it does not condemn cremation.

Cremation has seen a rise in popularity largely due to being a much more affordable option. Cremation is more conducive to a memorial service or celebration of life because these types of ceremonies allow for more flexibility and often take place weeks to even months after the death. Furthermore, cremation is required under Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism.

Burial plots often seem to play a factor when choosing cremation or burial. Sometimes it is very important for people to be buried by relatives or their significant other. However, as burial space becomes more limited the prices also soar. Furthermore, people often point toward to the negative environmental impact of burial. Casketed and embalmed remains take up land and can pollute the ground water.