Certified Death Certificates

Before the business and legal issues of the estate can be pursued, it will be necessary to obtain certified copies of the death certificate. A death certificate serves as the official vital record to acknowledge a death.

Where to Get Death Certificates?

death certificate form woman notepadMost commonly families order certified death certificates from Sisto Funeral Home, Inc., or through the funeral director that you worked with. You can also complete the death certificate form to request one directly from the New York State Department of Health.

How Many Certified Death Certificates do I need?

It is always better to order several death certificates, maybe even a few more than what you think you will need, as most agencies requiring legal confirmation of a death will only accept certified death certificates and not photocopies.

What is a Certified Death Certificate needed for?

A death certificate may be needed for:

In some cases, there may be a need to obtain a certified copy of the death certificate without a cause of death. These certificates are needed to transfer the title on a house, mobile home, and automobile or in some cases for court procedures. You should make this request when ordering the certified copies.

Who can obtain a Death Certificate?

There are only certain people that are eligible to obtain a death certificate. These typically include:

If you need to order certified copies of death certificates, or have any questions about obtaining them, we invite you to contact us, or call us at COMPANY_PHONE.